International thinking, values and skills

The Centre for International Learning and Leadership (CILL) is a training and consultancy organisation specialising in non-formal education, with partners in over 40 countries.

In addition to our own programmes, we advise other organisations, develop joint international projects, and contribute to public policy discussions.

LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR YOUNG UKRAINIANS Starting on 30 April 2024, we are offering an online course for young people from Ukraine who are currently displaced by the war.


Our international leadership courses have given hundreds of graduates and other young people the insights, skills and sense of direction needed to build fulfilling careers. Our life skills programmes help school and college students develop confidence and resilience for transition to the next stage of education or the world of work.


We assist other people who want to develop international projects or bring international expertise into their work. Services include: training and capacity-building; educational study visits to or from the UK; research and evaluation; project management; consortia, tendering and sub-contracting.


We believe in the importance of international experience at all stages of education. We get involved in local and national policy discussions and debate on relevant issues. We encourage and facilitate networking of organisations and individuals who share a commitment to increasing young people’s access to international opportunities.



+44 (0) 20 7117 2533